Preguntas y Respuestas
This is our Q&A section. Here you will find the most common inquiries about our services.
Does your processing ship to the United States?
No. One of the great benefits of acquiring the Semper Genomics services is that our processing is carried out in Mexico, thus our delivery times are extremely short. Approximately 3 days.
What are your services?
The service that we offer is EmbryoTest Plus™ (ETP), which is a Preimplantation Genetic Test (PGT-A) that allows determining an embryo's genetic load by simultaneously analyzing all 23 pairs of chromosomes.
What are your prices?
The EmbryoTest Plus™ service costs $189 USD + IVA.
The mosaicism report costs $210 USD + IVA (price per sample).
What is your processing technique?
At Semper Genomics we use the Next Generation Sequencing NGS technique, which is a technology designed to determine the specific order of nucleotides from DNA and RNA segments.
What is your collection process?
For EmbryoTest Plus™, the genetic material must be delivered in 0.2 mL microtubes of low retention that contain the reagents and the amplification products (WGA). The samples must be encrypted for their unique identification, well-sealed (preferably with parafilm), and frozen at -4ºF until the moment of their collection for the Semper Genomics staff.
What buffer do you use?
Buffer PBS 1x