Semper Genomics es una empresa orgullosamente mexicana, integrada por un equipo con más de 15 años de experiencia en las industrias de biotecnología y genómica.

We have one of the largest installed capacities for private PGT-A laboratories in LATAM. Together we can boost your project.


We are the most experienced laboratory in the region.

More than 1,000 successful services delivered. More than 12,000 Embryo Test Plus processed samples. More than 550 sequencing runs. Semper Genomics participates in the annual programs of Proficiency Testing by the College of American Pathologists (CAP): Pharmacogenetics using PCR technology. Next Generation Sequencing Germline. Next Generation Sequencing Undiagnosed Disorders – Clinical Exome. DNA Extraction & Amplification FFPE.

NGS Certificate – CAP 2019

A Variant Specific Testing in 19 specific genes by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). We got our first international certification and entered the annual program of CAP certifications.

NGS Certificate – CAP 2021

Sampling & Testing Program, done every six months, for the Variant Specific Testing. The CAP samples were analyzed, and they reported variants in 199 genes, detected by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).

NGS Certificate – CAP 2022

A Variant Specific Testing in 200 specific genes of the human genome by commercial panel amplification and detection using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).

NIH – National Library of Medicine

Semper Genomics aparece como uno de los laboratorios que ofrecen el proceso de PGT-A en la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina. Para más información, da clic en la imagen anterior.

Why Semper Genomics?

Competitive prices

Minimum delivery times

Confidentiality of test results

Data traceability

The most qualified staff in the region

The adoption of the ISO:15189 process approach


Cutting-edge technology
